• Do drugs have a place in prevention strategies ?

    Radermecker R
    Rev Med Liege 2024, 79(5-6),282-284

    Abstract : It’s easy to imagine using medicines to treat or even cure an illness. For most people, however, the idea of taking one or more medicines to prevent or delay the onset of an illness or its complications seems less obvious. However, there is indeed a place for using medicines in the field of prevention. Knowing the definition of a medicine means you can immediately understand the role it can play in the field of prevention. What’s more, the use of medicines should be based not only on evidence-based medicine, but also on an approach that integrates a collegial discussion with the patient, which will make it possible to discuss the expected benefits of such an approach, as well as explaining any possible side-effects. Only in this way can we expect better compliance of a person still without a disease. This article briefly summarizes the role that medicines can play in a prevention strategy.

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