• Iatrogenic colitis following immunotherapy : monocentric retrospective study at the University Hospital of Liège

    Weerts F , Loly C , Louis E
    Rev Med Liege 2023, 78(12),703-709

    Abstract : Checkpoint inhibitor colitis is a complication that is often underestimated when it is slow-grade, and results in relatively few hospital admissions compared to its frequency of occurrence. A strict history-taking approach, combined with an endoscopic work-up in cases of severity, is recommended. The use of the fecal calprotectin may also be useful. When used appropriately, the various lines of treatment are generally effective, and second-line therapies (biotherapies) are rarely used. However, recent evidence suggests that patients with severe symptoms should be treated more rapidly with biological therapies, especially if severity is endoscopically confirmed, as corticosteroids carry a greater risk of infection. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the efficacy of non-symptomatic, first and second line therapies for immunotherapy-related colitis in a population of patients at the CHU of Liège.

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