• Etiology of preeclampsia after assisted reproductive treatments

    Collée J , Brichant G , Chantraine F , Nisolle M , Henry L
    Rev Med Liege 2023, 78(11),659-664

    Abstract : About 12 percent of women require assisted reproductive technology (ART) to get pregnant as infertility concerns more and more couples. Recent studies highlight obstetrical complications after ART such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes or placenta accrete spectrum. Pre-eclampsia is a specific pathology of the pregnancy which can lead to materno-fetal complications including prematurity and intrauterine growth restriction. The aim of this article is to summarize preeclampsia risk factors during ART. We performed a narrative review based on articles published since 2010. Preeclampsia rate is increased after frozen embryo transfer, especially in case of artificial cycle, multiple pregnancies and gamete donation.

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