Advances in the management of inflammatory bowel diseases
Reenaers C , Louis E
Rev Med Liege 2022, 77(5-6),323-329Abstract : New therapeutic strategies and new molecules have been recently developed for the management of inflammatory bowel diseases. The treat-to-target strategy aims to define specific objectives based on the patient and the disease characteristics. A regular monitoring using biomarkers and imaging is required to assess the objectives’ achievement. Better outcomes have been demonstrated with this approach compared to the standard of care guided by symptoms only. On top of anti-TNF, new biologics have been available for the last few years. Vedolizumab, an anti-integrine, and ustekinumab, an interleukine 12/23 inhibitor, have demonstrated their efficacy in ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease with an excellent safety profile and a sustained efficacy over time. Small molecules like tofacitinib are available in ulcerative colitis. The delay of action of these oral molecules is short. The risk of infection is similar compared to anti-TNF. Thromboembolic events have been reported with a prolonged double dose in predisposed patients. Preferential JAK inhibitors will be shortly available with an expected better safety profile. The growing number of available molecules allows a more effective management of inflammatory bowel diseases by choosing the right treatment for the right patient.