• Multidisciplinary management of alveolar echinococcosis : Echino-Liege Working Group

    Cambier A , Giot JB , Leonard P , Bletard N , Meunier P , Hustinx R , Delwaide J , Meurisse N , Honore P , Losson B , Hayette MP , Detry O
    Rev Med Liege 2018, 73(3),135-142

    Abstract : Alveolar echinococcosis is a zoonotic disease due to the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis. The definitive host is the red fox. Until recently, Belgium was considered a country at very low risk for alveolar echinococcosis. However, recent studies carried out in southern Belgium have revealed, through post-mortem examination, high prevalences (up to 62 %) in foxes. Cats and dogs can act as definitive hosts. Human are accidentally infected by ingestion of food contaminated by the feces. After a long incubation period, invasive hepatic lesions may appear, as well as extra-hepatic lesions. The disease may be fatal. The diagnosis is based on imaging techniques, serology and nucleic acid detection in tissues. Early diagnosis may allow surgical removal of the lesion associated with at least 2 years of albendazole postoperative treatment. In case of contraindication to surgery, a long term treatment with albendazole is necessary. Liver transplantation is sometimes necessary. This article presents the epidemiologic, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutics features of this zoonotic disease.

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